

E-commerce shop for original art work, prints and stickers for Brandon Joseph Baker, an artist and photographer in Oakland, California.

Doom Loop of Willingly Watching War

Doom Loop of Willingly Watching War


This 12x16 mixed media collage features photographs Brandon Joseph Baker took of Jean Bell from Playboy Magazine in October 1969, a unicorn and two soldier sunflowers, owl wings, British bombers from WW II and photographs sourced from the internet about war protests. The print is mounted to the latex painted canvas with spray paint and a gold halo.

This piece is part of Brandon Joseph Baker’s solo show DOOM LOOPS at Mission Bar. Orders will ship or be delivered in July at the conclusion of the show. Free Shipping for all domestic orders.

Context on the source imagery (bread crumbs to the meaning from the artist)

Jean Bell was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month in October 1969 and the first black woman to be featured on the cover and in the centerfold. In the middle of the same month, October 15th, the Moratorium to End The War in Vietnam occurred. Over 2 million Americans participated in Moratorium Day with mass protests, religious services, rallies and meetings aiming to bring the war to an end. The war in Vietnam would continue for another 6 years with a death toll of 64,000 American soldiers and 882,000 Vietnamese men, women and children. 54 years later in October 2023 war broke out in Gaza, again. An estimated 28,000 people have died since in this conflict.

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